Digimon Pack Randomizer

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Paste the following text to digimoncard.dev deck builder
// To start, enter what booster pack you want to open,
// and how much of them you want to open.

// Click "Add booster" if you also want to open another
// type of booster (for now only BT is available).

// Then press "Open packs and add to pool"!

// This simulator uses japanese statistics:
// 6/pack,
// 4 guaranteed C
// 1 guaranteed U
// 1 guaranteed R or higher with 3/24 SR and 1/24 SER.

// Does not take into account Alt Art taking SER's place.
// Also does not implement guaranteed SER yet.

// If you roll several times, the new results will be added to the previous one.
// To clear your pool of cards, click "Clear cards pool".

// Good luck with your rolls!